Welcome to Mud Monkeys

by roving reporter, Mud D. Monkey

“It’s no seret that Mud Monkeys:

Delivers Screened Topsoil

Delivers Several Types of Gravel

Delivers Sand

Offers Bobcat Spreading and Other Services

Mows Lawns

Offers other Lawn Services


Does Bloody Great Repair and Install Work on Gravel Driveways!

In my neck of the jungle, we have a saying, ‘That’s so easy even a human could do it!’

What the Mud boys do is not easy work by any stretch, yet their experience makes it look easy. They execute these demanding tasks with both professionalism and intelligence I’ve previously witnessed only from those of simian persuasion.

Need a job done in any of the categories above? You’d be doing yourself a favor if you call the Mud Monkeys boys right now at 615-651-9275.

Mud Monkeys!